Tuesday, June 24, 2008

McCain and X - Prizes "This is Excellent News"

John McCain wants to have an X - Prize for major storage battery advancement. This is great news for technology advancement, Prizes have probably been second greatest source of human advancement besides War in history. Prizes have motivated everything from Canned Food to flight over the Atlantic Ocean.
Some of the radio pundits have been down on this idea calling it a "government giveaway", if government were involved in this project the 300 million would be pissed away before it made it out of Congressional Committee.
So Glenn Beck please take note on this one, your thinking is way off here, ya' sick freak.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Taking a Stand with the NRA (diggin in my heels)

I've been a off and on member of the NRA for all of my adult life. Joining when there was a big political fight or when I was shooting competitively, then letting membership lapse during the quiet times.

Something happened the other day that put me to thinking (my family will tell you this is never a good ideal). I bought myself a Father's Day gift on eBay, a old leatherette covered Pachmayr Bullseye 5 pistol box. Something to replace my Bullseye box I sold along with a lot of my pistols to help put a down payment to buy our house 10 years ago. Well I received 4 days ago and unpacked it and looked the box over. It was just what I wanted great shape, but not perfect and no abuse, just the right amount of character marks. Well it has a this old style Life Member NRA Decal the side and it looks perfect there, probably been their since the first owner of the box. Now, I have no idea who the former owner was, the box is at least 40 years old (pre-scope pistols) and after mounting my old Bushnell spotting optics I couldn't bring myself to scrape the decal off. I mean someone used this thing for a long time and made a stand proudly for something we both believe in. Maybe he didn't have any kids to leave it to but he put his money where his mouth was for my rights. I want to pass this box and it's contents to my kids for them to have and use also.

I wont go around representing myself as something I'm not and I'm firm in my support of the second amendment so I guess now is the time to put my money on the table. Believe me money is not sticking around the household very long these days with 1 getting married, 2 in trade school and 2 still in grade school.

So the NRA has got me on the easypayment plan, so officially I don't own the life membership yet. I don't own my truck yet either but GMAC lets me keep the keys. I don't think the NRA will gripe if I keep the sticker on my box.

And Thanks To Whom Ever Owned My New/Old Shooting Box.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


I'm going to make this short and boil the election down to a nutshell.

1st. If something bad were to happen to family and your kids, grandkids, nephews or nieces had to be raised by another family would you choose, John and Cindy McCain or Barak and Michelle Obama?

2nd. It not what McCain might do.
