My good wife was worried about the post I made on F---book yesterday. She is concerned that it might bring the Gov'ment down on us. The statement is
"If your not involved with people of "like"
mind, get involved with a group now..... Tea Party, 9-12, Boy Scouts,
RWVA, NRA, FreedomWorks pick a side and make your stand. Get to know the
people who will have your 6.".
I would like to know, if requesting that everyone get involved in peaceful, established organizations is now a crime for the "big sis" to investigate.
If it is, then is it too late for peaceful means and methods to work?
Named after a passage from a Robert Heinlein novel called Time Enough for Love. The statement was meant as a outline for becoming a human being, it was never to be the complete guide. Just as a pilot license doesn't qualify you to drive the space shuttle. Because you've accomplished everything on the Heinlein list you haven't finished... it means you've just have received your learners permit.