Wednesday, November 26, 2008

After Election Decompression Depression

I just haven't had the ability to put into words my thoughts on the post Barak election. The election of this many Koolaid drinking Democrats elected just befuddles my pea brain.

It looks like neither side has a clue what to do about the economy except print money.

Looking at the long term road ahead all I see is black ice (no racial metaphor intended) but this I can tell you for the short term.

1st There will be a “Crime Bill”, every new administration Republican or Democrat passes a Crime Bill. It's always goes after the low hanging fruit, like tougher sentencing from the R's and Guns for the D's. This will include a provision for more local cop's, from either side.

So the guns will get targeted this year----plan on it.

2nd There will be a “Environment Bill”, again every new administration Republican or Democrat passes a Environment Bill. As per the SOP the low hanging fruit, purchase sensitive land from the R's and higher gas or emission standards from the D's. This always include a provision for adding money to the EPA SuperFund.

This year expect a twist in the line of additional taxes on vehicle older than 15 years and additional luxury taxes on new vehicles that get less than 15mpg in the city.

For the longterm the one thing I do know is the Mr.Obama seem's to be quoting Abraham Lincoln a lot these days and Arthur C. Clark, the famous writer, observed that, whenever a President is getting ready to get us into some deep sh!t they always quote Lincoln.......


Stay home, enjoy the kids and keep your COIN'S and CASH (FRN'S) close at hand.


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