The Republican Party has obviously outgrown me and my ideas of "small g" government. Perhaps they possess the same secret knowledge as the Socialist Democrat Party and they just figure we the poor schmucks down in the trenches wouldn't understand the "New Way Of Doing Things".
All that I know is that the BILL OF RIGHTS ranks right behind My Family and God (or should that be God and Family?). I wont allow a change in this country from the Republic to a Socialist nanny state, even if it means blood. When this country was founded people who wanted freedom moved here to the USA. They fought and toiled through many hardships to create a nation of free thinking individuals, with a "government" that existed to allow the "pursuit of happiness". Not wanting anything else but a fair shake ant the opportunity to succeed of fail by their own hands. People of the word flocked here for that chance for just that opportunity. If they liked kissing someone ring or being told when, where and how to take a leak they stayed living under the king or despot of their own choosing.
My view is that if you want to live your life like a hand puppet there's plenty of places for you to move to that would be happy to have you. If you want to live on the backs of other people leave. If you need to be told how and where to wipe your own arse leave.
Which bring me to my political dilemma with the Republican Party, reaching a critical mass in the past 6 months. The current Republican Party is way to happy to compromise in the downhill rush toward socialism. The new leader Michael Steele is an order of magnitude a more principal driven man than, Bush's butt-boy, Mike Duncan. But even at that I don't believe he is the bare knuckles kind of person I believe is needed for the job. I would rather have a minority of principled Representative in D.C. Than the "Democrat LITE" "big tent" Party that is the Republican Party of 2009.
Remember Reagan won on principal's and keeping his word. He would beat them with a stick then offer a carrot. The most of current bunch of Republican Congress Critters in D.C. stand around with their thumb up their own arse and the watch Democrat's eat the carrot and line up to let them replace their thumb with the stick.
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