The US government is NOT America.
America will survive- and probably
thrive- after the US government completes its suicide. Don't bother
trying to stop them.
They wouldn't listen anyway. Just don't let them
take you down with them.
Nothing you can do will change the course the government is on. It
doesn't matter who you vote for, the course will not change. You have
a better chance of enjoying a bad meal more by flipping your sandwich
over than of making a real difference by voting for either of the
vetted candidates. That gives you freedom- it is out of your hands.
You can stop concerning yourself with trivial matters. Now you are
free to focus on the things that actually matter, starting at home.
Furthermore, the "national debt" is not your debt and it is not my
debt. It is the debt of the politicians (or as I call them:
"puppeticians") who incurred it. They, and they alone, are the ones
who borrowed the money they didn't have, counterfeited even more, and
spent like there was no reckoning. I can't borrow money, hand it out
willy-nilly, and then claim the debt is yours and you are responsible
for paying it back. Neither can congress or the president. They dug
the hole; let them suffer the consequences, personally.
The more frantically oppressive the government becomes, the more
people will withdraw consent. The more domestic spying that is done,
the more "laws" that are passed, the tighter the grip becomes, and
the more "money" that is created out of thin air, the more people who
will see beyond the rhetoric.
When the house of cards falls the US government will not be able to
afford to keep meddling around the world, and the supply of committed
"terrorists" will dry up. Americans will be safer, once again, like
we were in the days before The Empire. There might even be free trade
again, boosting the economy beyond what most of us can remember. The
future looks bright unless you tie your fortunes to a sinking ship.
Government needs us; we certainly don't need it. Wean yourself of any
dependency now, while you still can. Stop looking for answers from
those who are incapable of even understanding the questions, and stop
wasting your breath trying to reason with those without reason.
The experience might be bumpy, but getting untangled from Leviathan
now will limit the danger posed by its death throes. It's coming
whether you are ready or not.
Published in the State Line Tribune, Farwell TX/Texico NM and at
Kent's "Hooligan Libertarian" Blog
Named after a passage from a Robert Heinlein novel called Time Enough for Love. The statement was meant as a outline for becoming a human being, it was never to be the complete guide. Just as a pilot license doesn't qualify you to drive the space shuttle. Because you've accomplished everything on the Heinlein list you haven't finished... it means you've just have received your learners permit.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Koran is Unholy
Mohammed was a prophet whom, even he admitted, had been corrupted and possessed by a Demon.
He became a child rapist, murderer, thief and unjust ruler of the Southern Arabian Peninsula.
He later overcame his possession but died before he could correct most of the corruption he inserted in the Koran
Therefore the Koran as written is flawed, corrupt and unholy in the sight of God.
He became a child rapist, murderer, thief and unjust ruler of the Southern Arabian Peninsula.
He later overcame his possession but died before he could correct most of the corruption he inserted in the Koran
Therefore the Koran as written is flawed, corrupt and unholy in the sight of God.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
I'm stating this at the beginning that I'm a R Paul supporter and I know
that the Elite Republicans hate us. I can live with that, an up
until Sunday I had 95% convinced myself to vote for Romney in November.
Then there was the attempted sabotage of the Ron Paul rally at USF.
Then he goes and pulls this Rule change bull$#!t and has the Minority Report Quashed by having members removed and replaced with his compliant DRONES breaking the current rules and denying a floor fight on the issue.
With the rule changes, what is the point of having Primary's and choosing local delegates to represent THE PEOPLE when the Republican National (Politburo) Committee or the Candidate can remove the duly elected or State appointed delegate for ANY REASON OR WHIM.
Now the Tea Party and Freedom Works leaders are before the news cameras, spewing happiness, laying on their backs peeing on themselves like happy puppies, because they got 90% of the stuff they wanted into the Party Plank's.
IDIOTS, the planks only work if the Candidate has the HONOR to follow them.
Romney and the RNC, by this completely unnecessary, (hell, they won already, right?) actions they have proven all they want is power, and the power to dictate their whim's.
Now the DRONES are plastering the news telling us were to stupid to understand. ALL we have to do is just listen to the Romney Story................ Like I'm some infant child to tell a story too.
Then there was the attempted sabotage of the Ron Paul rally at USF.
Then he goes and pulls this Rule change bull$#!t and has the Minority Report Quashed by having members removed and replaced with his compliant DRONES breaking the current rules and denying a floor fight on the issue.
With the rule changes, what is the point of having Primary's and choosing local delegates to represent THE PEOPLE when the Republican National (Politburo) Committee or the Candidate can remove the duly elected or State appointed delegate for ANY REASON OR WHIM.
Now the Tea Party and Freedom Works leaders are before the news cameras, spewing happiness, laying on their backs peeing on themselves like happy puppies, because they got 90% of the stuff they wanted into the Party Plank's.
IDIOTS, the planks only work if the Candidate has the HONOR to follow them.
Romney and the RNC, by this completely unnecessary, (hell, they won already, right?) actions they have proven all they want is power, and the power to dictate their whim's.
Now the DRONES are plastering the news telling us were to stupid to understand. ALL we have to do is just listen to the Romney Story................ Like I'm some infant child to tell a story too.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Informed People
A nation of well informed men who have been taught to know and prize the
rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region
of ignorance that tyranny begins. --Benjamin Franklin
Sunday, July 8, 2012
The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture,
is proud to be distributing the greatest amount of free
meals and food stamps ever.
Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S.
Department of the Interior, asks us to PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS
Their stated reason for the policy is because the animals will grow
dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.
Thus ends today's lesson.
The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture,
is proud to be distributing the greatest amount of free
meals and food stamps ever.
Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S.
Department of the Interior, asks us to PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS
Their stated reason for the policy is because the animals will grow
dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.
Thus ends today's lesson.
Friday, July 6, 2012
i am sovereign
I am sovereign
"I am sovereign over
myself, the gift of free will bestowed upon me by the Creator of all things. Regardless
of what laws and regulations of men are about me I will always be Free. When men's
rules are Honorable and Just I will follow them. When I find the laws
tolerable, I will tolerate them. When I find the rules obnoxious, I will ignore
them. When I find evil imposed or codified, I will War against it. My Lord has
made it known and understood to me that to accept the gift of freedom I will alone bear the full responsibility
everything I do, or chose not to do." hasiii
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
For over 40
years since I was in my early teens and read the major trysts on Fascism, Communism,
Democracy, Republicanism, Libertarianism, and Anarchy, every one of which,
sooner or later, came back to the issue of guns and gun-ownership. Naturally,
I've thought about the issue a lot, and it has always determined the way
I vote. People accuse me of being a single- issue thinker, and a single- issue voter, but it isn't true. What I've chosen, in a world where there's never enough time and energy, is to focus on the one political issue which most clearly and unmistakably demonstrates what any politician—or political philosophy—is made of, right down to dark side of any government philosophies. Remember that all things politic have a dark side
Make no mistake: all politicians—even those ostensibly on the side of guns and gun ownership—hate the issue and anyone who insists on bringing it up. They hate it because it's an X-ray machine or CAT scan. It's the ultimate test to which any politician—or political philosophy—can be put.
If a politician isn't perfectly comfortable with the idea of his average constituent, any man, woman, or responsible child, walking into a hardware store and paying cash—for any rifle, shotgun, handgun, machinegun, anything—without producing ID or signing one scrap of paper, he isn't your friend no matter what he tells you.
If he isn't genuinely enthusiastic about his average constituent stuffing that weapon into a purse or pocket or tucking it under a coat and walking home without asking anybody's permission, he's a four-flusher, no matter what he claims.
What his attitude—toward your ownership and use of weapons—conveys is his real attitude about you. And if he doesn't trust you, then why in the name of all that is Holy and Good should you trust him?
If he doesn't want you to have the means of defending your families lives, do you want him in a position to control it?
If he makes excuses about obeying a law he's sworn to uphold and defend—the highest law of the land, the Bill of Rights—do you want to entrust him with anything?
If he ignores you, sneers at you, complains about you, or defames you, if he calls you names only he thinks are evil—like "Constitutionalists"—when you insist that he account for himself, hasn't he betrayed his oath, isn't he unfit to hold office, and doesn't he really belong in jail?
Sure, these are all leading questions. They're the questions that led me to the issue of guns and gun ownership as the clearest and most unmistakable demonstration of what any given politician—or political philosophy—is really made of.
He may lecture you about the dangerous people/groups/crazies out there who shouldn't have a gun—but what does that have to do with you? Why should you be made to suffer for the misdeeds of others? Didn't we lay aside the infantile notion of group punishment after childhood and you left public school—or the military? Isn't group punishment essentially European notion, anyway—Prussian, maybe—and certainly not what America was supposed to be all about, individualism?
And if there are dangerous people/groups/crazies out there, does it make sense to deprive you of the means of protecting yourself from them? Forget about those other people, those dangerous, this is about you, and it has been, all along not thoes people/groups/crazies of which they speak.
Try it yourself: if a politician won't trust you, why should you trust him? If he's a man—and you're not—what does his lack of trust tell you about his real attitude toward women? If "he" happens to be a woman, what makes her so perverse that she's eager to render her fellow women helpless on the mean and seedy streets her policies helped create? Should you believe her when she says she wants to help you by imposing some infantile group health care program on you at the point of the kind of gun she doesn't want you to have?
On the other hand—or the other party—should you believe anything politicians say who claim they stand for freedom, but drag their feet and make excuses about repealing limits on your right to own and carry weapons? What does this tell you about their real motives for ignoring voters and ramming through one infantile group trade agreement after another with other countries?
Makes voting simpler, doesn't it? You don't have to study every issue—health care, international trade—all you have to do is use this X-ray machine, this Vulcan mind-meld, to get beyond their empty words and find out how politicians really feel. About you. And that, of course, is why they hate it.
And that's why I'm accused of being a single-issue thinker, and voter.
But it isn't true, is it?
Monday, May 14, 2012
Must READ from
President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts [Updated]
• First President to Preside Over a Cut to the Credit Rating of the United States Government
• First President to Violate the War Powers Act

• First President to issue an unlawful "recess-appointment" while the U.S. Senate remained in session (against the advice of his own Justice Department).
• First President to be Held in Contempt of Court for Illegally Obstructing Oil Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico
• First president to intentionally disable credit card security measures in order to allow over-the-limit donations, foreign contributions and other illegal fundraising measures.
• First President to Defy a Federal Judge's Court Order to Cease Implementing the 'Health Care Reform' Law
• First President to halt deportations of illegal aliens and grant them work permits, a form of stealth amnesty roughly equivalent to "The DREAM Act", which could not pass Congress
• First President to Sign a Law Requiring All Americans to Purchase a Product From a Third Party
• First President to Spend a Trillion Dollars on 'Shovel-Ready' Jobs -- and Later Admit There Was No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Jobs
• First President to sue states for requiring valid IDs to vote, even though the same administration requires valid IDs to travel by air
• First President to Abrogate Bankruptcy Law to Turn Over Control of Companies to His Union Supporters
• First President to sign into law a bill that permits the government to "hold anyone suspected of being associated with terrorism indefinitely, without any form of due process. No indictment. No judge or jury. No evidence. No trial. Just an indefinite jail sentence."
• First President to Bypass Congress and Implement the DREAM Act Through Executive Fiat
• First President to Threaten Insurance Companies After They Publicly Spoke out on How Obamacare Helped Cause their Rate Increases
• First President to Openly Defy a Congressional Order Not To Share Sensitive Nuclear Defense Secrets With the Russian Government
• First President to Threaten an Auto Company (Ford) After It Publicly Mocked Bailouts of GM and Chrysler
• First President to "Order a Secret Amnesty Program that Stopped the Deportations of Illegal Immigrants Across the U.S., Including Those With Criminal Convictions"
• First President to Demand a Company Hand Over $20 Billion to One of His Political Appointees
• First President to Terminate America's Ability to Put a Man into Space.
• First President to Encourage Racial Discrimination and Intimidation at Polling Places
• First President to Have a Law Signed By an 'Auto-pen' Without Being "Present"
• First President to send $200 million to a terrorist organization (Hamas) after Congress had explicitly frozen the money for fear it would fund attacks against civilians.
• First President to Arbitrarily Declare an Existing Law Unconstitutional and Refuse to Enforce It
• First President to Tell a Major Manufacturing Company In Which State They Are Allowed to Locate a Factory
• First President to refuse to comply with a House Oversight Committee subpoena.
• First President to File Lawsuits Against the States He Swore an Oath to Protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN, etc.)
• First President to Withdraw an Existing Coal Permit That Had Been Properly Issued Years Ago
• First President to Fire an Inspector General of Americorps for Catching One of His Friends in a Corruption Case
• First President to Propose an Executive Order Demanding Companies Disclose Their Political Contributions to Bid on Government Contracts
• First President to Preside Over America's Loss of Its Status as the World's Largest Economy (Source: Peterson Institute)
• First President to Have His Administration Fund an Organization Tied to the Cop-Killing Weather Underground
• First President to allow Mexican police to conduct law enforcement activities on American soil
• First president to propose budgets so unreasonable that not a single representative from either party would cast a vote in favor ("Senate unanimously rejected President Obama's budget last year in 0-97 vote", Politico, "House Votes 414-0 to Reject Obama’s Budget Plan", Blaze)
• First President to press for a "treaty giving a U.N. body veto power over the use of our territorial waters and rights to half of all offshore oil revenue" (The Law Of The Sea Treaty)
• First President to Golf 90 or More Times in His First Three Years in Office
But remember: he will not rest until all Americans have jobs, affordable homes, green-energy vehicles, and the environment is repaired, etc., etc., etc.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Upside-down Land
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- A Muslim officer crying "Allah Akbar" while shooting up an army base is considered to have committed "Workplace Violence" while an American citizen boasting a Ron Paul bumper sticker is classified as a "Domestic Terrorist".
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- You can get arrested for expired tags on your car but not for being in the country illegally.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- Your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more of our money.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- A seven year old boy can be thrown out of school for calling his teacher "cute" but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- The Supreme Court of the United States can rule that lower courts cannot display the 10 Commandments in their courtroom, while sitting in front of a display of the 10 Commandments.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- Children are forcibly removed from parents who appropriately discipline them while children of "underprivileged" drug addicts are left to rot in filth infested cesspools.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- Working class Americans pay for their own health care (and the health care of everyone else) while unmarried women are free to have child after child on the "State's" dime while never being held responsible for their own choices.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- Hard work and success are rewarded with higher taxes and government intrusion, while slothful, lazy behavior is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid and subsidized housing.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- The government's plan for getting people back to work is to provide 99 weeks of unemployment checks (to not work).
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- Being self-sufficient is considered a threat to the government.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- Politicians think that stripping away the amendments to the constitution is really protecting the rights of the people.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- The rights of the Government come before the rights of the individual.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- Parents believe the State is responsible for providing for their children.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- You can write a post like this just by reading the news headlines.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- You pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big screen TV while your neighbor defaults on his mortgage (while buying iphones, TV's and new cars) and the government forgives his debt and reduces his mortgage (with your tax dollars).
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- Your government can add anything they want to your kid's water (fluoride, chlorine, etc.) but you are not allowed to give them raw milk.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- Being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you "safe".
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- You have to have your parents signature to go on a school field trip but not to get an abortion.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- An 80 year old woman can be stripped searched by the TSA but a Muslim woman in a burqa is only subject to having her neck and head searched.
You know you live in an Upside-down Land if...
- Using the "N" word is considered "hate speech" but writing and signing songs about raping women and killing cops is considered "art".
Unfortunately, this list could go on and on.
Our world has been turned upside-down.
We are in distress. Where do we go from here?
Our world has been turned upside-down.
We are in distress. Where do we go from here?
"COWARDICE asks the question - is it Safe?"
"EXPEDIENCY asks the question - is it Politically Correct?"
"VANITY asks the question - is it Popular?"
"But the CONSCIENCE asks the question - is it Right?"
"And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither, Safe, nor Politically Correct, nor Popular, but one must take it, because its RIGHT!!"
My Pop sent this too me I haven't found the proper credits as to the author but I will post them when I find them.
My Pop sent this too me I haven't found the proper credits as to the author but I will post them when I find them.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
Happy Birthday Pop
Happy Birthday Pop
Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday and tell you a few things.
Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday and tell you a few things.
- Thank You for not killing me.
- Thank You for being a straight shooter.
- Thank You for all the time you gave me.
- Did you know that you were the "cool dad" with all my friends.
- Thank You for showing me how to do "stuff"
- Thanks for baseball, scouts, camping and all of our critters.
- Thank for being a good husband example for me.
- Dad, you taught me everything I know about exterior illumination.
- Thanks for showing me what a Father is.
- Dad, you were right, we never told you anything.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
The Republican Candidates records on gun rights
Are you wondering how the Republican candidates fair up on the issue of gun rights? According to GOA, the most aggressive of all Second Amendment organizations (ie: Gun Owners of America) -- not too good. Mitt Romney has a D- rating. He embraced the so-called Assault Weapons Ban back in 1994, supported the Brady Bill, and was quoted on his favoring "tough gun laws" by saying: "I believe they protect us and provide for our safety". So -- if it's between Obama and Romney -- you're gonna have a really tough choice if guns are your primary issue -- because if it were not for Obama's all out backing of the UN Arms Trade Treaty --he'd likely be the better choice for gun owners. In fact, if Romney ever has to give in on something to gain political leverage -- gun owners beware! He has zero allegiance to our beliefs! Newt is somewhat better. While he did support the Brady Bill (which -- admittedly had some good points) -- in his favor -- he was strongly against the Assault Weapons Ban, and was vocal on that. However, as Speaker of the House he voted for the absurd "Gun Free School Zones Act", and the law that forever prohibited firearms ownership for anyone convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence -- no matter how slight the alleged domestic violence was. Both horrible pieces of legislation -- and substantially anti-Second Amendment. Because of his record -- GOA has rated him a "C". Better than Romney, but no firearms patriot, by any means. As to the rest of the Republican presidential crew -- pretty darn good! Of course -- they're out of the race -- but Bachman, Rick Perry, and Ron Paul all got an "A" rating or better, and Rick Santorum got a B-. So -- if guns are your thing -- you'd better make damn sure you vote Republican for the senate. That's where your pro-firearms votes will really count.
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