Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Republican Candidates records on gun rights

Are you wondering how the Republican candidates fair up on the issue of gun rights? According to GOA, the most aggressive of all Second Amendment organizations (ie: Gun Owners of America) -- not too good. Mitt Romney has a D- rating. He embraced the so-called Assault Weapons Ban back in 1994, supported the Brady Bill, and was quoted on his favoring "tough gun laws" by saying: "I believe they protect us and provide for our safety". So -- if it's between Obama and Romney -- you're gonna have a really tough choice if guns are your primary issue -- because if it were not for Obama's all out backing of the UN Arms Trade Treaty --he'd likely be the better choice for gun owners. In fact, if Romney ever has to give in on something to gain political leverage -- gun owners beware! He has zero allegiance to our beliefs! Newt is somewhat better. While he did support the Brady Bill (which -- admittedly had some good points) -- in his favor -- he was strongly against the Assault Weapons Ban, and was vocal on that. However, as Speaker of the House he voted for the absurd "Gun Free School Zones Act", and the law that forever prohibited firearms ownership for anyone convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence -- no matter how slight the alleged domestic violence was. Both horrible pieces of legislation -- and substantially anti-Second Amendment. Because of his record -- GOA has rated him a "C". Better than Romney, but no firearms patriot, by any means. As to the rest of the Republican presidential crew -- pretty darn good! Of course -- they're out of the race -- but Bachman, Rick Perry, and Ron Paul all got an "A" rating or better, and Rick Santorum got a B-. So -- if guns are your thing -- you'd better make damn sure you vote Republican for the senate. That's where your pro-firearms votes will really count.

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