Friday, September 20, 2013

Gun's Save Lives

Yesterday morning a man, a neighbor, had a episode at my house. He was disoriented and seemed psychotic ( I do not know the cause ), wearing just socks and shorts ,and was insisting that my house was his house. I locked myself in my truck and called 911. I took some video on the phone of his action and a couple photos to give to law enforcement when they arrived. During this time he arranged the furniture on my front porch, relaxed on the porch swing and then he decided to enter his (my) house.  I took my 9mm revolver,  put it in my back pocket, and went  in to my home.  I was able to talk and shoo him out of the house, without using or showing my pistol, back onto the front yard. He had not been aggressive to this point, just confused and delusional, till now. 

This is when he noticed his family loaded up and ready to go somewhere in my truck (no one was there). He proceeded to get into my running truck. I made up my mind that this sick person was not going to drive off in my vehicle and kill someone with it. I asked, then ordered, him to get out of the truck. He got out fast and started a confrontation with me. (I believe in his mental state thought he was protecting his  imagined family) I'm a big guy and he is a bigger, younger guy, my size did not deter him and I was retreating. It was only then, when I drew down in him with my revolver he stopped. The man , even in his diminished state of mind recognized the danger he stated " I don't have a gun" . His body language, vocalization suggested his displeasure over suddenly unfair fight. I replied to him "I don't care".  This revelation took the wind out of his sails, and mulled over the change in situation. He then complied with my order to sit cross-legged on the yard to wait for law enforcement. I retreated to a safe distance and holstered my weapon.

During this time he asked me several times "don't you see my family" , I shook my head and said "No".

It took around 20 min for the Sherriff Department to arrive from the end of my 911 call.(I live less than a block from the Tampa city limits)

This incident will never make the TV, Radio or Newspaper because it does not track with the slant that "All Guns Bad" and citizens with guns can't restrain themselves with personal weapons. This had all the markers of tragedy, but it didn't happen because of the gun.  Think of all the possible action that might have happened, all ended by the presence of a gun. Remember  it happened to me yesterday. What might happen to you tomorrow.

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