Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mr. Reagan on libertarianism.....he nailed it as usual

"If you analyze it, I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism. I think conservatism is really a misnomer just as liberalism is a misnomer for the liberals–if we were back in the days of the Revolution, so-called conservatives today would be the Liberals and the liberals would be the Tories. The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference or less centralized authority or more individual freedom and this is a pretty general description also of what libertarianism is." -Ronald Reagan

The Socialist Food Chain

This article is by Johann Hari , a nice piece of work on the socialist food chain. I found it over at Dr. Sanity.............
Do you believe in the rights of women, or do you believe in multiculturalism? A series of verdicts in the German courts in the past month, have shown with hot, hard logic that you can't back both. You have to choose....

In Germany today, Muslim women have been reduced to third-class citizens stripped of core legal protections - because of the doctrine of multiculturalism, which says a society should be divided into separate cultures with different norms according to ethnic origin....

Indeed, in the name of this warm, welcoming multiculturalism, the German courts have explicitly compared Muslim women to the brain-damaged. The highest administrative court in North Rhine-Westphalia has agreed that Muslim parents have the "right" to forbid their daughter from going on a school trip unless she was accompanied by a male family member at all times. The judges said the girl was like "a partially mentally impaired person who, because of her disability, can only travel with a companion".As the Iranian author Azar Nafisi puts it: "I very much resent it when people - maybe with good intentions or from a progressive point of view - keep telling me, 'It's their culture' ... It's like saying the culture of Massachusetts is burning witches." She is horrified by the moves in Canada to introduce shariah courts to enforce family law for Muslims.

This application of 21st century socialist "justice" has been on the rise since the socialist remnants from the last century began to stage their comeback from a well-deserved near-extinction. This socialist revival and the strategies they are now using to achieve world domination has many important implications for humanity--not the least of which is described in the above article.

To understand their logic, we must examine the socialist food chain.

Other behaviors of the unrepentantly socialist dictators suggest that, while there are many victim groups, some groups are far more important than others. As the example above shows, the culture or religion's status as "victimized" allows (nay, it demands)the suppression of the various uppity victim classes within it (e.g., Women or Gays) who try to rise above their rightful place in the utopia.

From the perspective of the socialist utopian, what matters more than Women's rights or Gay Righs are the rights of a designated culture. The dogma of multiculturalism trumps the dogma of women's superiority. This is probably because for the socialist utopian, might makes right and the needs of the many always outweigh the needs of the few--and the few better remember that fact, or else. In the socialist utopia, there is no room for individuality or personal preference; or tolerance for differences. You always must subsume yourself to the collective; and the bigger the collective, the more power victimization can be exploited.

For example, we know from experience that blacks, women and gays lose their cherished victim status if they dare to become Republicans; and, to a lesser extent, if they choose to be Christian (except for most Episcopalians, who have seen the secular light).

Being black trumps being a woman or gay (i.e., there is more "social justice" mileage to be squeezed out of the oppression of blacks, i.e., racism, than there is from the oppression of women (sexism) or even gays (homophobia). Just ask Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton.

The oppression of Jews is completely ignored because of the animus the "enlightened" have toward Israel; and anti-semitism, which in past times would have had a ranking up close to the level of dark-skinned people (probably because those who founded the Jewish state were dedicated socialists--unfortunately, they soon realized that in real life, their ideology didn't work too well); but anti-semitism no longer is a compelling issue for the socialists. In fact, they are among its worse practitioners as socialism has spread throughout the Middle East.

So far, we have established that the culture (except for Western culture, which is uniquely evil and oppressive) is very high up on the food chain, and can eat and kill with impunity. Is there any group that trumps the culture?

Again, there are hints of how socialist logic deals with this. The needs of the nation will trump a protected/victim culture for the same reason that being an independent woman, black or gay person loses their victim status: they act independently of the socialist gestalt (i.e., they refuse to stay in their pre-determined place in the food chain and dare to be different).

Thus, Saddam the socialist Ba'athist could rightly gas the Kurds and no one payed much attention to it. Even genocide is acceptable to the socialist logician, who must always take into account the following factors: 1) which group is larger (oppressed nations or religions > cultures > sub-cultures > small groups, e.g., "Democrats", > individuals, e.g., blacks, women, and gays; 2) When there is a conflict among groups at the same level of the chain, then precedence is given to the "purer" victim--i.e., those who know their place in the chain, are willing to remain victims for all eternity, and take no actions to stop being victims.

Thus for example, the Palestinians' as a group (considered an oppressed nation for reasons that elude me) have such a high victimization quotient, they can freely and "justly" oppress or kill any members of their own society that are not considered "good" Palestinians, as well as anyone outside their society with impunity (i.e., Israelis). Because the Israelis have such a low quotient, they are not even permitted to kill in self-defense. The same dynamic occurs when Muslim extremists (the extremely oppressed variety of Muslim) kill other Muslims (just ordinary oppressed Muslims) ; or when they kill Christians; or when they kill just about anyone in their usual indiscriminant manner. But Americans who take extraordinary precautions in war as in peace not to kill innocent people are damned to hell when they attack even the extremist Muslims who repeatedly try to kill them and state their intent at regular intervals.

Islamic fanatics can behead and mutilate non-combatant men and women at will. Americans are prohibited from humiliating Islamic fanatics or even frightening the poor dears (it is called "torture") ; Moderate Islamics can prohibit Westerners living in Islamic societies from owning a Bible; and punish them severely if they do; but Americans are not permitted to show any disrespect, let alone spit on a Koran even in America.

Clearly, if you are NOT one of the designated victimized or oppressed cultures, nations, or groups, then you and your non-victim-designated members are at the bottom of the socialist food chain and anything bad that is done to you by those above you in the food chain must be your own damn fault. This includes those who are Western, American/Israeli, Caucasian, Republican, conservatives, Rich, Capitalist, Christian, male, heterosexual and so on down the chain.

Thus, you can clearly see the intellectual origins of the many slogans that epitomize modern-day socialists:













And so on, ad infinitum, in the wonderfully peaceful and loving socialist manner we came to know so well in the last century.

Clearly, when all of humanity is at stake; when the socialist utopia is at-hand; lines must be drawn and the masses must be kept in their appropriate places in order to achieve social justice, peace, and universal brotherhood.

Saturday, October 6, 2007


Equal pay for equal work; child labor laws; representative government; equal rights for all citizens; freedom of speech; freedom of religion; freedom to publish; the people's right to keep and bare arms; the freedom of assembly; no slavery; the freedom of petition ; and the rights to be free of unreasonable search and seizure; cruel and unusual punishment; and compelled self incrimination.

I believe in restricting government power by keeping it from making any laws establishment of religion. By prohibiting any government from depriving any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law and just compensation. In criminal cases, it requires indictment by Grand Juries for any capitol or "infamous crime," the guarantees a speedy public trial with an impartial and local jury, and prohibits double jeopardy.

These concepts if, thought, spoken or written will have you exiled at best, imprisoned, tortured or killed by the majority of governments taking a space at the U.N.. Many of these same leaders are worshiped by the Progressives, Socialists and Fascist living amongst us. Just as Mussolini was praised for making the trains run on time, Castro is worshiped for his health care. Meanwhile remember that Guantanamo Bay is the smallest political prison on the island of Cuba.

WE humans of Liberal ideals, not to be trite, must “think globally and act locally”. Until all of the peoples of the world have these natural freedoms, these human rights, it will not matter if the carbon levels and the oceans rise. To allow ourselves to have these freedoms frittered away, in our own lands, is just as deadly as having terrorist, socialist or fascist invaded or destroy us. Faster than the glaciers can melt freedom can be taken, if you don't believe it ask the seniors of Europe how fleeting the fall can be. Ask those seniors in eastern Europe how joyous life is under such a progressive system.

In the world in which I live fully 80 percent of the humans do not have these freedoms, so excuse me if I can not get worked up over someone eating a cat in China. If you are one of those people that are incensed about animals, ozone or “Mr Bush”. I'm not going to tell you your wrong, but I will tell you to divert your energy, focus and allow humans to become free. Asking someone to change a behavior is easier if their body and soul are free to accept a new ideal. And in the gripping hand, be prepared to have to have your ideas rejected outright. Freedom works both ways and acceptance of your ideas in a free society shall not be mandatory. And just remember acceptance is not the same as tolerance and we all play in the same sand box, tolerance and civility are the keys.

It is my hope that we humans push for these liberal ideas in every corner of the world. We must reject the Progressives, Socialist and religious myrmidons, who by some virtue of self importance know whats best for you. By the same token we must also guard ourselves form the Fascist, Communist and Demi-gods who also know they are what is best for you.

HASIII ;aka STONEKNIVES 49 today 6 October 2007

My new House

What’s all this sh!t I’ve been told about the f!cking joy of home ownership. If I see one more goddamed home improvement show showing happy f!cking home owners beating some ragged piece of sh!t house into a palace, in two easy weekends I’ll be up on the roof naked with a deer rifle. This mutherf!k, f!ck, son of a f!cking, b!tt-f!cked piece of f!cking sh!t house is breaking my f!cking balls. I have replaced carpet, built doors, fixed windows, painted rooms, painted the shop, restored terrazzo, installed air conditioners, paint the trim, hanging blinds, hanging curtains, put in windows, wired phones, fixed the cable, fixed the fence, fixed the fans, fixed the bird bath, fixed the sheds, fixed the roof, framed, drywalled, put in a driveway, repaired wiring, repaired dryers, rebuilt counters, installed freezers, dishwashers, well pumps, hotwater heaters, sprinklers, shelves, washing machines, closets, lights ,ceailin fans, water filters. I've laid sod, planted all kinds of green sh!t from my psycho father-in-law ( I’ve got banana trees and pineapple plants, what the f!ck do I care about f!cking banana trees and pineapple plants ) which requires more upkeep than the f!cking baby. Between the sod, the weed pulling, the dirt, the mulch, the bug spray, the weed and feed, more goddam bug spray, pulling up the sh!ty expensive sod and replacing it with more sh!ty sod, fungicide, pruning, more f!cking bug spraying, fixing the bug sprayer, more mulch, more cow sh!t, paying the EPA fines for excessive spraying, paying the County fines for watering on a day ending in Y. Besides the usual stuff, kid’s, dinner, oil changes, wash the piece of sh!t dog, replace the clutch, fixing computers, kids to the doctors, kids to movies, kid to baseball/football/track, change the baby, read to the baby.

But when I stand in the road out in front of my house and look hard, remembering that I’ve only been here a short year, thinking of the 10’s of thousands of dollars, the man-hours, the sweat and toil involved, looking at MY HOUSE, I can honestly say that it doesn’t look like I’ve done a f!cking thing...

Maybe if I stand here long enough the f!cked up neighbor kid will run me over.

I wrote this 9 years ago after we purchased a fixer upper with enough bedrooms for our 5's never going to be finished.....

Friday, October 5, 2007

Childs simple problem

Child goes to refrigerator to get milk and finds none. Child then yells "Mom I need some Milk", and then drinks all of the orange juice for breakfast tomorrow. The time is 2:59pm Sunday.

Later when they return, by magic Milk and orange juice reappear. But what it really wanted now was some yogurt.

Adult simple problem

Your wife says,"Honey, we need some milk for dinner." It's 3pm on a Sunday afternoon.

On the surface, that statement requires no action at all. It's just a statement of a supposed fact. Is it a fact? What if she were to cook something else for dinner that didn't need milk? Are we actually out of milk, or did she miss that extra half-gallon in the back of the refrigerator? Did the darn kids drink up all the OJ again? And so what if we do need milk? What does that mean to you? Why did she make that statement? Does it mean she's about to leave to go get some? Does it mean you have to go get some? If you have to go get it, when does she need it by? Must you go right now? Is there something else you are/want to/should be doing right now? Do you have time to do that and get milk before dinner? How important is what you're doing right now? And where do you get milk? And if you have to leave to get it, how do you get there? What requirements are there for getting milk? If you go somewhere, will they just give it to you? Do you need money? How much? And what kind of milk is needed? Are there different kinds? If it requires money, do you have it? Where? Must you go get money as well? What happens if you don't go get the milk? What happens if you tell her to go get the milk herself? If you need to get there and getting there requires that you drive an automobile, what's needed to do that? Do you need keys? Where are they? Do you need gas? What kind of gas? How much? Where do you get it? Do you have to pay for it? Has the teenager got you blocked in again?

We haven't even gotten out the door yet. And each one of these questions requires a type of reasoning that's far more than three-dimensional.

Even the act of asking the questions requires deep reasoning, completely aside from actually answering them. And the solution to each question requires an understanding of _concepts_ and has its own weight. And really, I've oversimplified the whole problem. And this is a very simple human problem.

This is a idea from my twisted brother that I've expanded on.