Wednesday, April 23, 2008

required reading FERFAL

It's been my opine that the real economic decline is going to hit after the the General election in November FERFAL has posted letters describing the fall of Argentina from a 1st world economy to a 3rd , Google him for the older posts and look for him on Blogger here at . Mandatory reading, the words are simple and powerful, presented in a way that we can all relate to.

Gettin my own Ox out of the Ditch

Back in November I spoke about the coming economic downturn, so I've been busy prepping the homestead here for leaner times. The homestead projects seam to keep multiplying and "project creep" with dollar drop in value has put me behind the curve.

I did manage to sneak out of the house to hit the Tampa Gun Show this weekend, Ammo is way up$$, used class IIa body armor that could have been picked up for 100$ to 150$ is running 250$ to 300$.
I did pick up a nice Rommy AK parts set with matching numbers for 130$, been kicking myself for not getting 2 more.
Shoot Straight has S&W Sigmas in 9mm and 40 for 319$ with box and 2 hi-cap mags and Smith is kicking back a 50$ rebate and 2 more hi-cap mags, put the price in real money to 269$ with 4 mags. Bought one of the 9mm as a gift for Number 1 Son for his 25th birthday this week ( how did he get so old?) The S&W Sigma has now become the second standard pistol ( 1911's are my first choice ) for the homestead. Many shooters have a poor opinion of this model , but as my Father say's "Opinions are like assholes,,, everybody's got one". My observation is they are pretty darn tough, stoneaxe reliable after 3 or 4 boxes of ball and easy to grip for small hands. The trigger has been the major beef of the unwashed, can lightened from 'firm but predictable' to 'reasonable and predictable' in less than an hour by anyone who can detail strip a 1911. I've picked up a F and a V series at the range cheap after some iD10t hogged out the striker. I'm not explaining the correct way to do a Sigma trigger job, here, because lawyers are thick in these parts. Just remember light polishing, synthetic grease lightly applied, oil sparingly, don't remove any trigger springs ( but you might lighten them) and W_llf striker springs wont smack some military primers hard enough but a G_ock spring will (15$ on ebay). Just Google "sigma trigger job" and read up.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Charlton Heston, A Gentleman

Born on 4 October 1924, Past away 5 April 2008
Buried 13 April 2008

A True Gentleman and a man of Honor.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


vote with your checkbook "NEW CONTRACT WITH AMERICA"

This is a copy of a letter is emailed to the chairman of the Republican National Committee today.
If you feel of a similar bent the address is .

I am disappointed at the lack of Conservative values represented in the leading Republican Presidential Candidate, John McCain. I had this problem a few weeks ago during our Primary here in Florida, I cast my vote for the most conservative left on the ticket. Even though my personal choice had already left the race.

My reason was to show the National Committee. the backing for dedicated Conservative principals. Many others agreed, with large turn outs in the states for "any other " Republican candidate. I do not want 65% Conservatives running my party, and the 40%er's getting out to vote for any other candidate left on the ballot should have sent a huge message to the Party bigwigs. It didnt matter if they won, the fact that we went out and Voted. Your number crunchers can read and McCain may well have the nomination wrapped up. But the VOTERS still put up 40% anti J.Mc this should have made huge statement to 'said' Candidate and the National Committee, to make a solid binding commitment to the Conservative base of our Party, or take the real risk of those same Core Conservatives sitting it out in November.

The 40% non-vote for McCain seems to be given nothing more than polite acknowledgment by the R.N.C. at best and disdain to the same people representing these voters as "nuts" or "Christian right" I am not a nut, nor according to my Aunt a Christian, but I believe a Conservative with a Libertarian bent. I believe the majority of the other 40%er's are of a similar mentality. These good people are the party's core. They went out and voted in droves even though they didn't have a horse in the race. Thats dedication that should not be so cavalierly discarded as it seems to be.

We have a big tent in the Republican Party and I can vote in November for McCain, without holding my nose, be cause I know in my heart he is a honorable man and will defend this Country to the death. But I wont vote for him if I feel he will run roughshod the party I have supported for 29 years.

So what will it take to convince me, simple, a NEW CONTRACT WITH AMERICA, signed by him. Nothing fancy, 2 or 3 pages double spaced with bullets, probably 25 or 30 points that tell me absolutely where he will stand and who his running mate will be. I want to see a little "straight talk", then I will decide. If he passes muster and I will put my time and money behind him and the R.N.C.. If he doesn't pass muster I will give him and the National Committee nothing, absolutely nothing. I will support local candidates locally with my monies but nothing for the R.N.C. to disperse, in fact VOTING WITH MY CHECKBOOK.

I am not a Suicide Voter and some Conservatives would call me a RINO, because I am pro-choice. I might said the same thing, a time or to, in the heat of an argument about someone's lack of support for the 2nd Amendment. But I feel I could pass anyone's "Conservative Test" with at least a 90% or better and I won't vote for someone to represent me if I believe he will cause hurt to my family or my country.

I will still vote on the rest of the ballot for my state and local races, but I will not support someone who will lessen me.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Much to Much on my Plate

I've been up to my ass in alligators the past few weeks but things are getting back to what passes for normal at home. A few lines of note.

Dr Pournelle has finished his radiation and is still up right and walking.. this is excellent news. I've said this before but it's worth saying again, "if you would like an education on how the world really works you should read everything by Jerry Pournelle".

Kudos to the folks Post Offices in Tampa, in my travels around the city i have had to use 5 of the branches on a pretty consistent basis. 1 station has always had great customer service, the other 4 spotty at best, but that was in the past. Now all of the stations I deal with are a pleasure to deal with, Thanks for your effort it is much appreciated.
Now if I could just find the government idiot who decided on the location for the new downtown office and have him nibbled to death by ducks.

I spent last weekend working on the shop and rebuilding my gun / reloading area. I've decided to go old school and permanently set up 2 or 3 Lyman Tru-line turret presses to go with a Lee single stage and Lee 1000 progressive system. Anyone with a idea on how to set this up in a 5x2 area contact me.

Spring Break is a comin for us here in Tampa planning on doing more outside work here while the weather is great. I really have no desire to be painting outside in July when it's 100degrees and 100percent.

Back to work