Wednesday, March 19, 2008

wimpy, wimpy, wimpy

The advertised speech of a lifetime for B.H. Obama.
The subject matter as hot of a topic in any the body politic.
My take well delivered, wimpy, trite, wimpy, condescending, wimpy and did I mention wimpy?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Barack H. Obama the "CUT and PASTE CANDIDATE"

How does Hillery Win.

Easy, Just keep pointing out the Barack H. Obama is a copycat and not even a good one.

He's the "Cut and Paste Candidate".

Hillery had it partly right earlier this when she stated that Barack admired Ronald Regan Policy. But she didn't get it, Barack H. Obama stole the whole Regan presentation all he did was cut and paste democratic doctrine in place of republican ideas. Hell look at Baracks presentation, how he uses his hands, the head tilt, tone , inflection, how he works off the podium and compare to a vintage Regan speech. She got it partially right again after he appropriated Massachusetts Governor Patrick's great "Words" speech. What the cockled wife of Bill needs to do is step back and look at the manufactured package that is Barack H. Obama.

When this idea first started to jell I Youtube'd a couple of old Regan speeches, just to make sure I wasn't crazy. Well the juries is still out on my sanity but on this thing I'm not wrong. It's very obvious if you take the time to look and compare.

Well I went a little further and compared the Barack Obama/Deval Patrick "words" speech. B.H.Obama was allowed to lift the speech with "permission" (and after the fact), no credit given of course. Video's show Obama even adding some of Governor Patrick's hand jesters to his stage act.

I am reminded of a movie Woody Allen did in the 80's called "ZELIG". (This next part is lifted from Wikipedia) "The title character, Leonard Zelig (played by Woody Allen), is a man who has the ability to change his appearance to that of the people who surround him. For example, if he is among doctors, he transforms into a doctor, if around overweight people, he quickly becomes heavy himself. Zelig is called the "human chameleon". He is first noticed at a party by F. Scott Fitzgerald who notices how when in the main hall with the guests he sings the praise of the affluent classes in a refined, snobbish accent, while when in the kitchen with the servants he seethes with rage at the "fat cats" while speaking with a thick proletarian voice."

Barack as the trail of evidence shows only "borrows" from the best and seems to be pretty caviler about what he does. Making little effort to (using his favorite word) CHANGE the text to words of his own. If someone had better research capabilities than myself, I'm sure there are many more examples. One would HOPE (another of B.H.O.'s favorite words) he has an original idea in his head somewhere. Because if he manages to be elected President, I've never seen a "Cliff Notes book on how to be the President" at any library for those RED PHONE moments.

To be honest there are not many truly original ideas that have ever been floated to the human race. But if B.H.O. read off a Thomas Jefferson speech as his own 95% of the Corporate News Agency's would give him a pass.

Why am I telling the "Hildabeast" how to put away her rival. Easy I want a McCain/Clinton match up in the fall, it would be a straight up nose to nose dog fight that McCain would win. A McCain/Obama match would be more problematic. To defeat B.H.O. in the general election the best strategy would be the "death by a 1000 cuts" method. Which is not John "damn the torpedo's" McCain's style.

Their you have it Ms H.R.Clinton aka "Shrill Hill the Wicked Bitch of D.C." ,the way you can stop "Barack the Majick Negro". I hope you use your gift well.