Monday, November 14, 2011


14 NOV 2011

Would Vote For

1 Ron Paul *

2 Jon Huntsman =

Could Vote For

3 Michele Bachman =

4 Rick Santorum =

5 Gary Johnson 6

Might Vote For

6 Rick Perry 5

7 Newt Gingrich 8

8 Herman Cain 7

Will Not Vote For

9 Mitt Romney =9

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stolen from Survival Blog

"You don't know me, son. So let me explain this to you once: If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed."
- Nathan Fillion as Captain Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds

One of my favorite lines from the old "Firefly series", get the DVD's and watch them in order, good stuff.

This is the real Political Spectrum

A traditional view of the political spectrum as discussed in the mainstream and indoctrinated by pedagogues into the minds of millions of unsuspecting children, teens and college graduates :

A true view of the political spectrum as it has existed throughout history:

The idea that most Americans, and citizens of the world for that matter, are leftists really comes down to one’s point of reference. The concept is completely lost on those beholden to the “Traditional” political spectrum view who have never been exposed to or had the opportunity to contemplate other possibilities. It begins to make much more sense when considered with respect to the “True” view.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

From:Glenn Beck

As Edmund Burke said, “all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” We must DO something. Stand watch. Speak up. Become involved.

Thus, we the people do hereby declare not only our rights, but do now establish this bill of responsibilities.

1. Because I have the right to choose, I recognize that I am accountable to God and have the responsibility to keep the 10 commandments in my own life.

2. Because I have the right to worship as I choose, I have the responsibility to honor the right of others to worship as they see fit.

3. Because I have freedom of speech, I have the responsibility to defend the speech of others, even if I strongly disagree with what they’re saying.

4. Because I have the right to pursue happiness, I have the responsibility to show humility and express gratitude for all the blessings I enjoy and the rights I’ve been given.

5. Because I have the right to honest and good government I will seek out honest and just representatives when possible. If I cannot find one then I accept the responsibility to take that place.

6. Because I have the God given right to liberty, I have the personal responsibility to have the courage to defend others to be secure in their persons, lives and property.

7. Because I have the right to equal justice, I will stand for those who are wrongly accused or unjustly blamed.

8. Because I have the right to knowledge, I will be accountable for myself and my children’s education…to live our lives in such a way that insures the continuation of truth.

9. Because I have the right to pursue my dreams and keep the fruits of my labor, I have the responsibility to feed, protect and shelter my family, the less fortunate, the fatherless, the old and infirm.

10. Because I have a right to the truth, I will not bear false witness nor will I stand idly by as others do.

Unconditionally, while maintaining my responsibility to compassionately yet fiercely stand against those things that decay the natural rights of all men. And for the support of this declaration, and with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our lives, fortunes and sacred honor.


"It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." - Daniel Webster

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Acquire lawful means of self-defense.

Acquire lawful means of self-defense. Your odds of being victimized are roughly 1 in 100 annually under normal conditions. What happens when its 1 in 5? Think it won't be? Ok, if doesn't really get bad then you spent money on something you don't need, but you still have it and can sell it (even if you take somewhat of a loss.) If you wait, and then decide you need it, what are the odds of being able to find a firearm? And by the way, weapons you don't know how to use in a competent and cool fashion if you need to are worthless or worse. This means range time and/or professional instruction, and both take time, effort and money.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

You're about to be lied


You're about to be lied to when they say-

commonsense solution

growing support for

mounting opposition to

the reality is

the larger question is

the more important question is
the bigger issue is
broader implications
our nation's children
fully funded
linked to
touched by
raising awareness
on some level
not value neutral
demand action
a new study shows
in denial
comprehensive reform
the American People
sends a message
reaching out
off our streets
history shows
the failed ...
greater diversity
people of color
social justice
cycle of poverty
most vulnerable
economically disadvantaged
disparate impact
oppressed minorities
the struggle for
solidarity with
shared values
root cause
working families
underserved populations
diverse backgrounds
vibrant community
too many
too often
a hand up
cycle of poverty
cycle of violence
give back
a positive step
positive outcome
best practices
non-partisan, non-profit
speaking truth to power
making a difference
statistics show
emerging consensus
a poll by the highly respected
reaffirm our commitment to
voicing concern
are speaking out
redouble our efforts
giving voice to
making bad choices
have issues
inclusive environment

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ron Paul

The Last Nail The last nail is being driven into the coffin of the American Republic. Yet, Congress remains in total denial as our liberties are rapidly fading before our eyes. The process is propelled by unwarranted fear and ignorance as to the true meaning of liberty. It is driven by economic myths, fallacies and irrational good intentions. The rule of law is constantly rejected and authoritarian answers are offered as panaceas for all our problems. Runaway welfarism is used to benefit the rich at the expense of the middle class. Who would have ever thought that the current generation and Congress would stand idly by and watch such a rapid disintegration of the American Republic? Characteristic of this epic event is the casual acceptance by the people and political leaders of the unitary presidency, which is equivalent to granting dictatorial powers to the President. Our Presidents can now, on their own:
1. Order assassinations, including American citizens,
2. Operate secret military tribunals,
3. Engage in torture,
4. Enforce indefinite imprisonment without due process,
5. Order searches and seizures without proper warrants, gutting the 4th Amendment,
6. Ignore the 60 day rule for reporting to the Congress the nature of any military operations as required by the War Power Resolution,
7. Continue the Patriot Act abuses without oversight,
8. Wage war at will,
9. Treat all Americans as suspected terrorists at airports with TSA groping and nude x-raying.
And the Federal Reserve accommodates by counterfeiting the funds needed and not paid for by taxation and borrowing, permitting runaway spending, endless debt, and special interest bail-outs.
And all of this is not enough. The abuses and usurpations of the war power are soon to be codified in the National Defense Authorization Act now rapidly moving its way through the Congress. Instead of repealing the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF), as we should, now that bin Laden is dead and gone, Congress is planning to massively increase the war power of the President. Though an opportunity presents itself to end the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, Congress, with bipartisan support, obsesses on how to expand the unconstitutional war power the President already holds. The current proposal would allow a President to pursue war any time, any place, for any reason, without Congressional approval. Many believe this would even permit military activity against American suspects here at home. The proposed authority does not reference the 9/11 attacks. It would be expanded to include the Taliban and "associated" forces—a dangerously vague and expansive definition of our potential enemies. There is no denial that the changes in s.1034 totally eliminate the hard-fought-for restraint on Presidential authority to go to war without Congressional approval achieved at the Constitutional Convention. Congress' war authority has been severely undermined since World War II beginning with the advent of the Korean War which was fought solely under a UN Resolution. Even today, we're waging war in Libya without even consulting with the Congress, similar to how we went to war in Bosnia in the 1990s under President Clinton. The three major reasons for our Constitutional Convention were to:
1. Guarantee free trade and travel among the states.
2. Make gold and silver legal tender and abolish paper money.
3. Strictly limit the Executive Branch's authority to pursue war without Congressional approval.
But today:
1. Federal Reserve notes are legal tender, gold and silver are illegal.
2. The Interstate Commerce Clause is used to regulate all commerce at the expense of free trade among the states.
3. And now the final nail is placed in the coffin of Congressional responsibility for the war power, delivering this power completely to the President—a sharp and huge blow to the concept of our Republic.
In my view, it appears that the fate of the American Republic is now sealed—unless these recent trends are quickly reversed.
The saddest part of this tragedy is that all these horrible changes are being done in the name of patriotism and protecting freedom. They are justified by good intentions while believing the sacrifice of liberty is required for our safety. Nothing could be further from the truth.
More sadly is the conviction that our enemies are driven to attack us for our freedoms and prosperity, and not because of our deeply flawed foreign policy that has generated justifiable grievances and has inspired the radical violence against us. Without this understanding our endless, unnamed, and undeclared wars will continue and our wonderful experience with liberty will end.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Everything Christians do should be based upon the Biblical text. Here are seven solid Bible reasons why Christians should support Israel.

  1. Genesis 12:3 "And I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all nations of the earth be blessed." Point: God has promised to bless the man or nation that blesses the Chosen People. History has proven beyond reasonable doubt that the nations that have blessed the Jewish people have had the blessing of God; the nations that have cursed the Jewish people have experienced the curse of God.

  2. St. Paul recorded in Romans 15:27 "For if the Gentiles have shared in their (the Jews) spiritual things, they are indebted to minister to them also in material things."

    Christians owe a debt of eternal gratitude to the Jewish people for their contributions that gave birth to the Christian faith. Jesus Christ, a prominent Rabbi from Nazareth said, "Salvation is of the Jews!" (St. John 4:22) consider what the Jewish people have given to Christianity:

    a) The Sacred Scripture
    b) The Prophets
    c) The Patriarchs
    d) Mary, Joseph, and Jesus Christ of Nazareth
    e) The Twelve Disciples
    f) The Apostles

    It is not possible to say, "I am a Christian" and not love the Jewish people. The Bible teaches that love is not what you say, but what you do. (1 John 3:18) "A bell is not a bell until you ring it, a song is not a song until you sing it, love is not love until you share it."

  3. While some Christians try to deny the connection between Jesus of Nazareth and the Jews of the world, Jesus never denied his Jewishness. He was born Jewish, He was circumcised on the eighth day in keeping with Jewish tradition, He had his Bar Mitzvah on his 13th birthday, He kept the law of Moses, He wore the Prayer Shawl Moses commanded all Jewish men to wear, He died on a cross with an inscription over His head, "King of the Jews!

    Jesus considered the Jewish people His family. Jesus said (Matthew 25:40) "Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren (the Jewish people… Gentiles were never called His brethren), ye have done it unto me.

  4. "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love thee." (Psalm 122:6) the scriptural principle of prosperity is tied to blessing Israel and the city of Jerusalem.

  5. Why did Jesus Christ go to the house of Cornelius in Capernaum and heal his servant, which was ready to die? What logic did the Jewish elders use with Jesus to convince Him to come into the house of a Gentile and perform a miracle?

    The logic they used is recorded in Luke 7:5; "For He loveth our nation, and He hath built us a synagogue." The message? This Gentile deserves the blessing of God because he loves our nation and has done something practical to bless the Jewish people.

  6. Why did God the Father select the house of Cornelius in Caesarea (Acts Chapter 10) to be the first Gentile house in Israel to receive the Gospel? The answer is given repeatedly in Acts 10.

    Acts 10:2 "a devout man, (Cornelius) and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God always." Who were the people to whom Cornelius gave these alms? They were the Jews.

    Again is Acts 10:4 "… thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God."

    Again in Acts 10:31 "… and thine alms are had in remembrance in the sight of God."
    The point is made three times in the same chapter. A godly Gentile who expressed his unconditional love for the Jewish people in a practical manner was divinely selected by heaven to be the first Gentile house to receive the Gospel and the first to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

    These combined Scriptures verify that PROSPERITY (Genesis 12:3 and Psalm 122:6), HEALING (Luke 7:1-5) and the OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT came first to Gentiles that blessed the Jewish people and the nation of Israel in a practical manner.

  7. We support Israel because all other nations were created by an act of men, but Israel was created by an act of God! The Royal Land Grant that was given to Abraham and his seed through Isaac and Jacob with an everlasting and unconditional covenant. (Genesis 12:1-3, 13:14-18, 15:1-21, 17:4-8, 22:15-18, 26:1-5 and Psalm 89:28-37.)

Pastor J. Hagee

Thursday, February 17, 2011


True inflation rate 27.67 percent for past 12 months: Commodity Price Index

We keep hearing that inflation remains relatively low.

But a look at this Commodity Price Index chart indicates that the real inflation rate was over 20 percent for the past 12 months, more than 30 percent for food — even higher for commodities we really need to live.

Cotton is up 132 percent. Agricultural raw materials up 39 percent. Oil up 21 percent. Coal up 36 percent. Metals up 57 percent. Coffee up 70 percent. Wheat up 62 percent. Beef up 39 percent. Fish up 31 percent. Hard logs up 19 percent. Soft logs up 27 percent. Rubber up 79 percent. Wool up 57 percent. Fertilizer up 39 percent. Soy beans up 42 percent. Corn up 58 percent. Silver up 60 percent. Industrial Inputs Price Index up 51 percent. Commodity Food Price Index up 30 percent. Commodity Fuel Price Index up 20 percent. Overall Commodity Price Index up 20 percent.

This just over the last 12 months!

Let’s see, what else do we need to live?

Can you say catastrophe?

Commodity1 Month Change12 Month ChangeYear to Date Change
Commodity Agricultural Raw Materials Index4.71 %38.86 %0.00 %
Commodity Beverage Price Index6.82 %18.25 %0.00 %
Commodity Price Index6.65 %27.67 %0.00 %
Commodity Fuel (energy) Index3.94 %20.35 %0.00 %
Commodity Food and Beverage Price Index3.96 %30.43 %0.00 %
Commodity Food Price Index3.62 %32.09 %0.00 %
Commodity Industrial Inputs Price Index18.29 %51.14 %0.00 %
Commodity Metals Price Index25.86 %57.62 %0.00 %
Commodity Non-Fuel Price Index11.02 %40.55 %0.00 %
Crude Oil (petroleum), Price index3.00 %20.23 %0.00 %
Coal, Australian thermal coal15.20 %36.57 %0.00 %
Coal, South African export price
Crude Oil (petroleum)2.84 %20.20 %0.00 %
Crude Oil (petroleum); Dated Brent4.89 %26.08 %0.00 %
Crude Oil (petroleum); Dubai Fateh3.49 %20.31 %0.00 %
Crude Oil (petroleum); West Texas Intermediate0.40 %14.23 %0.00 %
Indonesian Liquified Natural Gas5.04 %7.07 %0.00 %
Natural Gas5.76 %-23.11 %0.00 %
Russian Natural Gas5.27 %21.08 %0.00 %
Cocoa beans3.85 %-10.15 %0.00 %
Coffee, Other Mild Arabicas10.79 %70.29 %0.00 %
Coffee, Robusta7.81 %41.17 %0.00 %
Tea4.54 %8.69 %0.00 %
Barley2.91 %33.10 %0.00 %
Maize (corn)5.68 %58.66 %0.00 %
Rice-1.73 %-11.79 %0.00 %
Sorghum11.17 %52.24 %0.00 %
Wheat6.37 %62.05 %0.00 %
Bananas5.75 %21.30 %0.00 %
Oranges1.48 %-32.54 %0.00 %
Beef8.48 %38.65 %0.00 %
Poultry (chicken)-0.45 %2.36 %0.00 %
Lamb0.29 %-3.12 %0.00 %
Swine (pork)9.01 %11.43 %0.00 %
Fish (salmon)-4.13 %30.68 %0.00 %
Shrimp1.02 %10.28 %0.00 %
Sugar3.25 %46.46 %0.00 %
Sugar, European import price1.00 %-2.45 %0.00 %
Sugar, U.S. import price3.25 %32.63 %0.00 %
Coconut Oil20.29 %163.14 %0.00 %
Fishmeal0.89 %-8.06 %0.00 %
Olive Oil, extra virgin-0.47 %-19.68 %0.00 %
Palm Kernel Oil16.92 %142.37 %0.00 %
Palm oil5.75 %66.92 %0.00 %
Peanut Oil2.00 %35.87 %0.00 %
Groundnuts (peanuts)15.41 %29.18 %0.00 %
Rapeseed Oil1.16 %29.10 %0.00 %
Soybean Meal6.34 %26.46 %0.00 %
Soybean Oil4.03 %49.98 %0.00 %
Soybeans5.65 %42.38 %0.00 %
Sunflower oil4.28 %37.30 %0.00 %
Coarse Wool14.87 %20.00 %0.00 %
Copra17.33 %158.40 %0.00 %
Cotton6.35 %131.18 %0.00 %
DAP fertilizer0.31 %39.36 %0.00 %
Fine Wool22.33 %54.70 %0.00 %
Hard Logs0.74 %19.45 %0.00 %
Hard Sawnwood1.20 %14.54 %0.00 %
Hides1.85 %19.34 %0.00 %
Potassium Chloride3.81 %3.70 %0.00 %
Rock Phosphate10.71 %58.97 %0.00 %
Rubber16.30 %79.10 %0.00 %
Soft Logs-4.80 %25.46 %0.00 %
Soft Sawnwood-5.17 %10.49 %0.00 %
Triple Superphosphate0.53 %60.34 %0.00 %
Urea-0.26 %35.68 %0.00 %
Aluminum3.52 %9.40 %0.00 %
Cold-rolled steel0.00 %21.43 %0.00 %
Copper, grade A cathode4.16 %29.40 %0.00 %
Gold-2.46 %21.33 %0.00 %
Hot-rolled steel0.00 %25.00 %0.00 %
Iron Ore-1.30 %77.85 %0.00 %
Lead7.08 %9.85 %0.00 %
Nickel6.31 %39.20 %0.00 %
Rebar9.09 %17.65 %0.00 %
Silver-2.80 %60.85 %0.00 %
Steel wire rod2.05 %-11.56 %0.00 %
Tin5.12 %54.94 %0.00 %
Uranium5.33 %45.74 %0.00 %
Zinc3.87 %-1.61 %0.00 %